Carlos III University of Madrid
  • Carlos III University of Madrid

  • Country: Spain
  • Type: Education
  • Website:
  • Update: 05-02

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M; Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) is one of the leading universities in Spain. Founded in 1989, it has four campuses and a high reputation in the fields of business management, economic specialization, law, etc. Its main faculties are Information Sciences, Political Science and Sociology, Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering, Public Law, Philosophy and Theology, Legal History, Private Law, Private International Law, Mathematics, Media Technology, etc. It is the first university in Spain to be established in 1989. The main faculties are Information Sciences, Political and Social Sciences, Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering, Public Law, Philosophy and Theology, Legal History, Private Law, Private International Law, Mathematics, and Media Technology.
