Edu International College of Physical Therapy
The International School of Physical Therapy (THIM; Internationale Academie Fysiotherapie) The top private college of physical therapy in the Netherlands, founded in 1974 and located in Utrecht, is known for its high quality...
Edu University of Windsor
University of Windsor (University of Windsor) is a Canadian public comprehensive research university, founded in 1857, is located in Windsor University City, the school subjects more complete.
Edu Nancy School of Economics and Management
Nancy School of Economics and Management (ICN-Ecole de Management) France's leading higher business school, founded in 1905 by the University of Nancy and the Merte-Moire Chambre d'Industrie et de Commerce, is located in Lorraine...
Ranking Carnegie Mellon University
United States
卡内基梅隆大学是一所私立大学,成立于 1900 年。本科生总人数为 7707 人(2023 年秋季),校园占地 122 英亩。该校采用学期...
Edu University of Southampton
United Kingdom
The University of Southampton is a public university in the United Kingdom that traces its history back to Hartley College, founded in 1862, and in 1952 was awarded the Royal...
Edu University of British Columbia
The University of British Columbia (UBC, also known as the University of British Columbia) is a leading Canadian university founded in 1908, with its main campus located in Winn...