Edu University College, Oxford
United Kingdom
University College, Oxford is a college of the University of Oxford, founded in 1249, and is one of the oldest colleges of the University of Oxford.
Edu University of Milan Bicocca
Milan Bicocca University (Milan Bicocca University) Italy's leading comprehensive university, known as the "Harvard of Economics", founded in 1998, is located in...
Edu Helsinki University of Technology
Helsinki University of Technology (Teknillinen korkeakoulu) is Finland's oldest polytechnic university, founded in 1849, and one of the top polytechnics in Europe.2010...
Edu Southern Oregon University
United States
Southern Oregon University (SOU) is an American public university founded in 1872 and located in Ashland, Oregon, with about 4,500 students,...
Edu French National School of Administration
The French National School of Administration (ENA for short) is one of France's leading grandes écoles, founded in 1945, and today it has as its mission the selection and training of high-ranking French as well as international officials. The National School of Administration ...
Edu Western Vaughan South University
United States
Sewanee University of the South (Sewanee: The University of the South; abbreviation: Sewanee, the University; also: Sevconian University of the South) A leading American...