
St. Catherine's College, Cambridge

Edu St. Catherine's College, Cambridge

United Kingdom

St Catharine's College, Cambridge is a college of the University of Cambridge, founded in 1473, located on Trampington Street, with large...

University of Music and Performing Arts Graz

Edu University of Music and Performing Arts Graz


University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz) Austria's leading public higher education in the arts...

Adriatic Academy of Music

Edu Adriatic Academy of Music


Conservatorio Antonio Buzzolla di ADRIA (RO) An outward-looking music school in Italy, offering music lessons in the Italian tradition...

New Academy of Fine Arts, Milan

Edu New Academy of Fine Arts, Milan


New Academy of Fine Arts in Milan (NABA; Accademia di belle artilegalmente riconosciuta Nuova Accademia di belle arti di MILANO) Italy...

Accademia di Belle Arti di Torino

Edu Accademia di Belle Arti di Torino


Accademia Di Belle Arti ALBERTINA DI Turin (Academy of Fine Arts of Turin) Italy's historic Academy of Fine Arts, founded in 1678, has existed for nearly three centuries and is located...

University of North Dakota, USA

Edu University of North Dakota, USA

United States

The University of North Dakota (abbreviated UND) is an American public university founded in 1883 and located in Grand Forks, North Dakota (Grand F...

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