Edu Cleveland State University
United States
Cleveland State University (English: Cleveland State University, CSU) is an American public university founded in 1964 and located in Cleveland, Ohio, ti...
Edu Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
United States
The Eastman School of Music (ESM) at the University of Rochester is a leading American conservatory of music, founded in 1921 and located in Rochester, New York, for the Ro...
Edu Oz College of Agriculture
Oz College, founded in 1913 and located in the town of Oz, Alberta, Canada, is a comprehensive, government-funded public college strictly governed by the Alberta Universities Act...
Edu University of Paris XII
The University of Paris XII (French: Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne; abbreviated UPEC; Paris 12 Val de Marne Univ...
Edu Ishikawa Prefectural University
Ishikawa Prefectural University (Ishikawa Prefectural University) is a public university in Japan, founded in 2005, located in Nono City, Ishikawa Prefecture, offering biological resources...
Edu Miyagi University of Education, Japan
Miyagi University of Education (宫城教育大学) is a Japanese national university located in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, founded in 1873, and taught in 1965 from the Tohoku University...