Aalborg University, Denmark
- Country: Denmark
- Type: Education
- Website: www.aau.dk
- Update: 05-02
Aalborg University (Aalborg Universitet), founded in 1974, was transformed into a university in 1994. The University was originally founded in Aalborg, but from 1995 it merged with the Esbjerg School of Engineers to establish the Esbjerg Campus, and in 2005 it opened the Copenhagen Campus in cooperation with the Copenhagen School of Engineers. The University of Aalborg is located in four districts, i.e. the Aalborg University District, as well as in Basis i Vestbyen, Sohngaardsholmsvej and the New Square Campus. Freshmen from the Faculties of Science, Medicine, Arts and Social Sciences study at the Basis Campus, students from the Faculty of Architecture and Design study at the New Square Campus, and students from the Faculty of Chemistry, Environment and Biology and the Faculty of Civil Engineering are located at Sohngårdsholmsvej, while the other faculties and departments are located at the main campus.