
Daily Mirror (newspaper)

News Daily Mirror (newspaper)

United Kingdom

The Daily Mirror, a leading British tabloid newspaper and the world's first tabloid, was founded by British journalist A. Harmsworth...

New York Times (newspaper)

News New York Times (newspaper)

United States

The New York Times is a daily newspaper published in New York, United States and distributed worldwide with high authority and credibility. The newspaper was founded by Henry &...

Asahi Shimbun (Japanese newspaper)

News Asahi Shimbun (Japanese newspaper)


Founded in 1879, Asahi Shimbun is Japan's second-largest newspaper by circulation, after Yomiuri Shimbun. The official website of Asahi Shimbun was opened ...


News CNN

United States

Cable News Network (CNN, American Cable News Network) is a leading global news organization. Founded by Ted Turner in June 1980, it is headquartered in Georgia...

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