Edu University of Surrey
United Kingdom
The University of Surrey (University of Surrey, Solihull University) is a public university in the United Kingdom, founded in 1891 as Battersea Polytechnic, and in 1966 was awarded the very university...
Edu Amherst College
United States
Amherst College (also known as Amherst College), one of the finest liberal arts colleges in the United States, was founded in 1821 and did not fully admit women until 1974.
Edu Tōkyō University, Japan
The University of Tokyo (東京大學, the University of Tokyo) was the first modern university in Japan, established in 1877 by the merger of the Tokyo Kaisei School and the Tokyo Medical School, and was the first university in Japan to be established in 1877...
Edu Monash University
Monash University (also known as Monash University) is one of Australia's top eight universities, founded in 1958 and located in Melbourne, with eight campuses, two of which...
Edu Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)
The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), founded in 1951, is one of the seven autonomous engineering and technology institutes built and organized by the Government of India...