Edu Westmont College
United States
Westmont College (Westmont College) America's leading denominational Christian liberal arts college, founded in 1937 and located in Santa Barbara, Southern California, focuses on majors such as social...
Edu Education Newspaper
New Zealand
Newspapers in Education (Newspapers in Education) New Zealand's leading educational newspaper is dedicated to helping teachers teach students literacy and reading through newspapers in the classroom so that learning...
Edu Hitotsubashi University
Hitotsubashi University (ひとつばし だいがく, Hitotsubashi University) is a Japanese national university founded in 1875 and converted to a university in 1920, located in East...
Edu Sweet Briar College
United States
Sweet Briar College (Sweet Briar College; abbreviation: SBC) a leading American liberal arts college and a traditional American women's school, was founded in 1901 and is located in Virginia's S...
Edu University of Hollins
United States
Hollins University (Hollins University ) is a leading American liberal arts and sciences college, founded in 1842 as Valley Union Seminary (one of the oldest women's schools of higher education in the United States)...
Edu University of Ghent
Universiteit Gent is a Belgian public university founded in 1817 in the Dutch-speaking city of Ghent and a member of the European University Association. Ghent University is in...