Edu University of Worcester, UK
United Kingdom
The University of Worcester is a public university in the United Kingdom, located in Worcester, whose history can be traced back to the founding of the Worcester Emergenc...
Edu University of Venice, Italy
The University of Venice, also known as the University of the Orient in Venice, was founded in 1868 by Edward Deodati, Acting Governor of the Province of Venice, and a number of colleagues as the School of Business, marking the beginning of the University of Venice's...
Edu Occidental College
United States
Occidental College (also known as: OXY) is a prestigious small private liberal arts college in the United States, founded in 1887 and located in Los Angeles, California, with high standards...
Edu Harrow Public School (UK)
United Kingdom
Harrow School is a leading public school in the United Kingdom, located in the borough of Harrow, Greater London.Founded in 1572 by local farmers, it is a boarding secondary school for boys. Harrow Public...
Edu University of Sussex
United Kingdom
The University of Sussex (University of Sussex) is a young university in the United Kingdom that was formally established as a university by Royal Charter in 1961. Between the founding of the university and...
Edu Ministry of Education and Culture of Spain
This site is the official website of the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture (Ministerio de Educación, Culturay Deporte), which provides an overview of the department, education news...