Le Soleil (Senegal)
- Country: Senegal
- Type: News
- Website: www.lesoleil.sn
- Update: 05-01
The Senegalese newspaper Le Soleil, the first daily newspaper in sub-Saharan Africa, was founded in 1933 by the French press group Charles de Breteuil as Paris-Dakar; after Senegal's independence it was renamed Dakar-Matin in 1961; it changed to its current name on May 20, 1970, and is published in the capital, Dakar (Dakar). After Senegal's independence, it was renamed Dakar-Matin in 1961; it changed to its current name on May 20, 1970, and is published in the capital, Dakar. On January 8, 2014, the Chinese ambassador to Senegal, Xia Huang, published an op-ed in the newspaper Le Soleil entitled "History cannot be forgotten", in which he slammed Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's visit to the Yasukuni Shrine.