Higher computer, electronics and automation schools
  • Higher computer, electronics and automation schools

  • Country: France
  • Type: Education
  • Website: www.esiea.fr
  • Update: 05-02

The Ecole Supérieure d'Informatique, Electronique, Automatique (ESIEA; Ecole Supérieure d'Informatique, Electronique, Automatique) is a prestigious private higher education institution for engineers in France, accredited by the Comité des Titres d'Ingénieurs (CGE), a member of the CGE, the "n+i" network of colleges of engineers and the UGEI. It is a member of the French Conference of Higher Professional Schools (CGE), the "n+i" network of schools of engineers, and the Union of Independent Higher Professional Schools (UGEI). Founded in 1958, ESIEA is qualified to issue its own engineer's diploma, recognized at the master's level both in France and internationally, and offers undergraduate, master's, and doctoral programs.
