Florence Academy of Music
  • Florence Academy of Music

  • Country: Italy
  • Type: Education
  • Website: www.conservatorio.firenze.it
  • Update: 05-02

Florence Conservatory of Music (Conservatorio Luigi Cherubini di Firenze) is a globally renowned conservatory that originated in 1849 as part of the Florence Academy of Fine Arts; in 1860 it became independent and was named the "Regional Conservatory of Music of Florence"; In 1910, it changed its name to its present form and became the only conservatory in the Tuscany region. The Conservatory offers three-year undergraduate, traditional music education (equivalent to a postgraduate degree in China) and two-year master's degree programs, and its Scholarships Office has signed bilateral agreements with universities and conservatories all over Europe, allowing for exchanges of students and faculty members in scholarship programs.
