Bologna Conservatory
  • Bologna Conservatory

  • Country: Italy
  • Type: Education
  • Website:
  • Update: 05-02

Conservatorio Di Musica Giovan B. Martini Di Bologna (Conservatorio Di Musica Di Bologna) Italy's earliest national conservatory, is a member of the European Union's Socrates-Erasmus exchange program, was founded in 1804, is located in the Emilia-Romagna region of the city of Bologna, the capital, and trained a large number of famous Italian musicians, such as G. Rossini, F. Busoni, and so on. It has trained a large number of famous Italian musicians such as G. Rossini and F. Busoni, etc. It mainly provides three-year undergraduate, traditional music education (three to ten years, equivalent to our country's postgraduate degree) and two-year master's degree professional courses.
