Murdoch University, Australia
- Country: Australia
- Type: Education
- Website:
- Update: 05-02
Founded in 1972, Murdoch University was the second university in Western Australia to be funded by the Australian Government. The University is renowned for its high level of teaching and research, and has student and staff exchange programs with more than 20 universities, including China, to promote the internationalization of the University and academic exchanges. Murdoch University is a research-intensive, medium-sized government public university. It is located in Perth, Western Australia, Australia. It has 11,500 students, 1,500 overseas students, 4,900 staff and 2,250 faculty. It enjoys a high reputation in the world for first-class teaching and research. The school's modern teaching equipment and scientific curriculum are conducive to the cultivation of compound talents who can adapt to the needs of society. It has been a subject leader in research and teaching and is one of the 10 first-class institutions in Australia.