Org Constitutional Court of Korea
South Korea
The Constitutional Court of Korea (Constitutional Tribunal) is an independent judicial body in South Korea, established in 1988, with the main function of adjudicating cases based on the Korean...
Org 2012 Yeosu World Expo Korea
South Korea
The 2012 Yeosu World Expo Korea (Korean: 2012여수세계박람회; English: EXPO 2012 YEOSU KOREA) is the next World Expo after the Shanghai World Expo, which was held in 20...
Org IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
United States
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is one of the world's largest professional and technical organizations, with...
Org International Association of Homoeopaths
United States
Kiwanis International is an international service organization founded in Detroit in 1915 and now headquartered in Indianapolis, with its goal position &ldq...
Org African Union
The African Union (AU) is an all-African political entity, formerly known as the Organization of African Unity (OAU), which was established in 1963, and in 2002...
Org Museum of American Finance
United States
The Museum of American Finance (Museum of American Finance; Museum of American Financial History) is a public museum in the United States, established in 1988 and located on Wall Street in New York...