Org Pakistan Muslim League (Sharifist)
The Pakistan Muslim League (Sharifist) (Pakistan Muslim League (N); abbreviation: PML-N) is a right-of-center political party in Pakistan, the second largest party in the country and...
Org European Council
The European Council (Council of Europe; also: EU Summit or EU Summit) is the highest decision-making body of the European Union (EU), established in London on May 5, 1949, which mainly decides the eu...
Org United Nations International Seabed Authority
The United Nations International Seabed Authority (ISA) is an authoritative organization dedicated to the management of the international seabed area and its resources, originating in 19...
Org Myanmar or Burma National league for democracy (NLD)
Myanmar (or Burma)
The National League for Democracy of Burma (NLD; abbreviation: NLD) is the largest opposition party and political organization in Burma, and was founded by the former Deputy Chief of the Burma Army...
Org International Bureau of Weights and Measures
The International Bureau of Weights and Measures (Bureau international des poids et mesures, or BIPM) is an international standard-setting body founded in 1875 and headquartered in Se...
Org World Federation of Exchanges
The World Federation of Exchanges (WFE) is an international organization of stock exchanges, headquartered in Paris, France. Members of the WFE are...