Website Library
Business PG Tips
United Kingdom
PG Tips is a British tea brand launched in 1930, now owned by Unilever and based in Manchester.
Business Carpenter Technology Corporation
United States
Carpenter Technology Corporation (Carpenter Technology Corporation; CRS) is an American manufacturer of specialty materials, founded in 1889 and headquartered in Pennsylvania...
Org Scottish Riverside Museum
United Kingdom
The Riverside Museum is a museum in Scotland, completed in 2011, located in Glasgow. The Riverside Museum won European Museum of the Year 2013.
Culture Library of Oriental Languages
Tōyō Bunko (東洋文庫, Tōyō Bunko) is Japan's largest Asian studies library, located in Bunkyō-ku, Tokyo. Tōyō Bunko's main collection consists of ancient books from Japan, China, and many other Asian countries...
Shopping Alu and Ru
South Korea
Allo and Ru (allo&lugh) Korea's leading children's clothing brand, the name originated from a mixture of French allo (hello) and Celtic lugh (the name of the god Hermes in ancient Greek mythology) ...
Edu Volgograd State Technical University
Volgograd State Technical University (VSTU) is a Russian state university founded in 1930, offering bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees, with major faculties including the Department of Automobile and Tractor, the Department of Automobile and Tractor, the Department of Automobile and Tractor, and the Department of Automobile and Tractor...