Website Library
Edu Indi Academy Malaysia
INTI College Malaysia (INTI College Malaysia), Malaysia's premier private institution of higher education, was established in 1986 with a main campus and four branch campuses with...
Edu Institut Supérieur des Hautes Études Professionnelles de l'Ouest Suisse
Higher Specialized School of Western Switzerland (HES-SO; Haute école Spécialisée de Suisse occidentale) Switzerland's national specialized college...
Edu University of New Mexico, USA
United States
The University of New Mexico (abbreviated UNM) is an American public university founded in 1889 and located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and is the...
Edu Bowling Green State University, USA
United States
Bowling Green State University (abbreviated BGSU, Bowling Green State University) is a public university in the United States, founded in 1910 and located...
Edu Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
United States
Missouri University of Science and Technology (MUST) is an American public polytechnic university founded in 1870 (Missouri Mining and...
Edu Immaculata University
United States
Immaculata University is a private university in the United States founded in 1920 and located in Immaculata, Pennsylvania. In the 2016 U.S. News U.S. General...