
Medical University of Charlotte, Berlin

Edu Medical University of Charlotte, Berlin


Charité Universitäts Medizin Berlin (Charité Medical University Berlin) Germany's oldest medical school, founded in 1810, and Europe's largest medical...

University of Khazar

Edu University of Khazar

Azerbaijan, former Soviet Republic and region of northwest Iran in Caucasus

Khazar University (KU) is a private university in Azerbaijan founded in 1991 by Prof. Hamlet Isaxanli, one of the first in Eastern Europe and Central Asia...

Harvard Business School

Edu Harvard Business School

United States

Harvard Business School (Harvard Business School, abbreviated HBS) is a world-renowned business school, founded in 1908, located in Boston, Massachusetts, is a subsidiary of Harvard University Business...

University of Falmouth, UK

Edu University of Falmouth, UK

United Kingdom

Falmouth University is a public university in the United Kingdom, which gained university status in 2012, located in Falmouth and Penryn, Cornwall, which teaches art...

University of Teesside, UK

Edu University of Teesside, UK

United Kingdom

Teesside University is a modern university in the United Kingdom, located in Middlesbrough, whose history can be traced back to the founding in 1844 of the Institute of Mechanics (Mechan...

University of Huddersfield, UK

Edu University of Huddersfield, UK

United Kingdom

The University of Huddersfield (UHH) is a public university in the United Kingdom, located in West Yorkshire, with a history dating back to its founding in 1825 as a science and...

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