Edu Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris
Ecole Normale Superieure (abbreviation: ENS) is a leading French teacher-training university founded on October 30, 1794, with a focus on philosophy,...
Edu French-speaking Free University of Brussels
The French-language Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) is a French-language university in Belgium, founded in 1834 and located in Brussels,...
Edu Birkbeck College, University of London
United Kingdom
Birkbeck, University Of London is a public university in the United Kingdom founded in 1823 (London Mechanics' Institute) and joined the Len...
Edu National University of Cordoba
The Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (National University of Córdoba) is a national university in Argentina, located in the city of Corvado, founded in 1613, and is a member of the American...
Edu Swarthmore College
United States
Swarthmore College (a.k.a. Swarthmore College) America's top liberal arts college, located in the town of Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, with the William...
Edu Uppsala University
Uppsala University (Uppsala universitet) is a public comprehensive university in Sweden, founded in 1477, and is the oldest and one of the best universities in the Nordic...