Edu University of St Andrews
United Kingdom
The University of St Andrews (The University of St Andrews) is a historic university founded between 1410 and 1413, second in the English-speaking world only to the Ox...
Edu Berkeley Video Network
United States
Berkeley Video (Berkeley) is a video lecture website operated by Berkeley, the number one public university in the United States, featuring video lectures and podcasts by professors on astronomy, geography,...
Ranking University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
United States
The University of Minnesota, Twin Cities is an American public research university founded in 1851 and located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and is a member of the University of Minnesota...
Edu Clark or Clark University (USA)
United States
Clark University (Clark) is an American private research university founded in 1887 and located in Worcester, Massachusetts (Worcester, MA). Clark University...
Ranking Yale University
United States
Yale University is a private school founded in 1701. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 6,818 (Fall 2023) and a campus of 1,108 acres. The university uses a scholastic...
Edu British Adult Training Center
United Kingdom
Adult Training Course (ATC) is a UK-based training center specializing in computer and internet, financial accounting, legal and secretarial, fitness, construction, plumbing...