Edu Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland
This website is the official website of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland, which provides information on the organization, education and research, cultural development, sports...
Edu Lawrence University
United States
Lawrence University (Lawrence University) is a leading liberal arts college in the United States, and one of the few schools in the country with a student-to-faculty ratio of less than 1:9. Founded in 1847, it is located in the Wisconsin...
Edu Keio University
Keio University (庆應義塾大学, Keio University) is Japan's first private university, founded in 1858 by the Japanese thinker Fukuzawa Sakayoshi, with its headquarters in Minato-ku, Tokyo...
Edu Ministry of Education and Training of Viet Nam
This website is the official website of the Ministry of Education and Training (MET) of Vietnam, which mainly provides an introduction to the Ministry, the education system, education news, education...
Edu University of Bologna
The University of Bologna (Università di Bologna) is a public university in Bologna, Italy, founded in 1088 and widely considered to be the oldest in Europe...
Edu Australian National University (ANU), Canberra
The Australian National University (ANU) is a national research university founded in 1946 and located in the capital city of Canberra. The Australian...