Edu Comenius University, Bratislava
Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovak: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave; English: Comenius University in Bratisl...
Edu Okinawa Prefectural Nursing University
Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing is a Japanese public university founded in 1946 in Naha, Okinawa Prefecture, with...
Edu Harvard Law School
United States
Harvard Law School (Harvard Law or HLS) is a graduate school of Harvard University, founded in 1817, and is one of the oldest law schools in the United States...
Edu Kuopio University
库奥皮奥大学(芬兰语:Kuopion yliopisto),是芬兰共和国东芬兰省库奥皮奥市的一所已不存在的综合性大学,1966年成立,2010...
Edu Preparatory Institute for Administration and Management
Preparatory Institute for Administration and Management (IPAG; IPAG Higher School of Business; full name: Institut de Préparation à l'Administration et &ag...
Edu Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Tokyo Medical and Dental University (東京醫科歯科大學, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, abbreviated as TMDU) is a national university in Japan, founded in 1928...