
Agricultural University of Thailand

Edu Agricultural University of Thailand


Thai Public University of Agriculture (Thai มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์, English Kasetsart University) was established in 1943 and is one of the leading universities in Thailand. Thailand ...

University of Jena

Edu University of Jena


The full name of the University of Jena, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, is located in the city of Jena, Thuringia, Germany, formerly known as the University of Jena...

Illinois Wesleyan University

Edu Illinois Wesleyan University

United States

Illinois Wesleyan University (Illinois Wesleyan University; abbreviation: IWU) a leading American liberal arts and sciences college, founded in 1850, with a focus on biology, psychology, English...

Delft University of Technology

Edu Delft University of Technology


The Delft University of Technology (Technische Universiteit Delft) is a public comprehensive university of technology in the Netherlands.Founded in 1842, it is located in the city of Delft, and is the Netherlands...

Ministry of Education of Venezuela

Edu Ministry of Education of Venezuela


This website is the official website of the Venezuelan Ministry of Education, providing information on the organization of the education sector, a brief description of its functions, education legislation, education news and publications, etc., in Spanish...

University of Sheffield

Edu University of Sheffield

United Kingdom

The University of Sheffield is one of the UK's "Red Brick Universities" and a member of the Russell Group of Universities, with a history dating back to 1828 when it was founded as...

University of Exeter

Edu University of Exeter

United Kingdom

The University of Exeter is a public university in Exeter, Derwent, England, founded in 1955 and a member of the Russell Group of universities. Exeter...

Utrecht University, Netherlands

Edu Utrecht University, Netherlands


Utrecht University, founded in 1636, has a history of 365 years. Utrecht University is the strongest university in the Netherlands, and is also one of the top universities in the European...

Westmont College

Edu Westmont College

United States

Westmont College (Westmont College) America's leading denominational Christian liberal arts college, founded in 1937 and located in Santa Barbara, Southern California, focuses on majors such as social...

Education Newspaper

Edu Education Newspaper

New Zealand

Newspapers in Education (Newspapers in Education) New Zealand's leading educational newspaper is dedicated to helping teachers teach students literacy and reading through newspapers in the classroom so that learning...

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