Org Philippine Bar Association
The Philippine Bar Association (PBA) is the earliest voluntary bar association organization in the Philippines, founded in 1891 for the purpose of enhancing Philippine law...
Org International Olympic Committee
The International Olympic Committee (IOC, or IOC) is a non-profit international sports organization founded by Coubertin...
Org American Automobile Association
United States
The American Automobile Association (AAA; abbreviation: AAA) was formed in March 1902 by nine automobile clubs from affluent and influential areas of the United States...
Org International Labor Organization
The International Labour Organization (International Labour Organization; abbreviation: ILO) is a United Nations specialized agency dealing with labour matters, based on the 1919 Versailles...
Org Singapore Medical Association
Singapore Medical Association (SMA) Singapore's authoritative medical organization with over 8,000 members, including most public...
Org City & Guilds of London, UK
United Kingdom
The City & Guilds of London Institute (City & Guilds) is a global vocational skills education organization...