Org International Cycling Union
The Union Cycliste Internationale (French: Union Cycliste Internationale, UCI) is the non-profit organization that governs international cycling and is responsible for the development of cycling race systems, regulations...
Org General Insurance Association of Singapore
The General Insurance Association Singapore (GIA) is the commercial representative of all general insurance companies in Singapore and was established in 1965...
Org RAND Corporation
United States
The RAND Corporation (RAND) is one of the world's most influential think tank organizations.In May 1948, the RAND Corporation broke away from the Douglas Corporation to become an independent think...
Org International Metro Alliance
United Kingdom
The Community of Metros (CoMET) is an international metro benchmarking organization, founded in 1982, whose members can share experiences and learn from each other....
Org Peruvian Export Promotion Council
The Peruvian Export Promotion Council (PROMPEX) is the relevant body for the promotion of Peru's export trade, closely linked to the Foreign Trade Agency, which co-leads matters related to the development of Peru's export promotion...
Org Arab Air Transport Organization
The Arab Air Carriers Organization (English: Arabic Air Carriers Organization; Arabic: الإتحاد العربي للنقل الجوي; abbreviated AACO) is an organization of...