


United Kingdom

PETE RUMNEY ART is the personal artwork website of British artist Pete. Inspired by the beautiful scenery of his birthplace near the River Tyne in Newcastle upon Tyne, England...

California Museum of Photography

Art California Museum of Photography

United States

ArtsBlock:The California Museum of Photography, full name (California Museum of Photography), affiliated with the University of California, is located in Riverside, Los Angeles,...

Orsay Museum

Art Orsay Museum


The Musée d'Orsay, known as "Europe's most beautiful museum," is home to a collection of 19th- and 20th-century Impressionist paintings, including the famous...

Dubai Community Theater and Arts Center

Art Dubai Community Theater and Arts Center


Dubai Community Theatre and Arts Center (DUCTAC) is a diverse center for arts education and exchange. It has a complete range of facilities venues, including a large theater with a capacity of more than 500...

Detroit Institute of Arts

Art Detroit Institute of Arts

United States

The Detroit Institute of Arts, founded in 1885 and owned by the city of Detroit, calls itself the sixth largest museum in the United States, and in 2003 was named the...

Flemish art

Art Flemish art


ArtsFlanders is a famous Belgian art information website. The website mainly introduces information about art in Flanders, Belgium, the latest events and pavilions...

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Art Metropolitan Museum of Art

United States

The Metropolitan Museum of Art (MMA) is the largest art museum in the United States, founded in 1870 and located in Manhattan, New York, with over 20...

National Endowment for the Arts

Art National Endowment for the Arts

United States

The National Endowment for the Arts (National Endowment for the Art; abbreviated: NEA) is an independent organization dedicated to providing funding for excellence in the arts, and was established by the U.S. Congress...

Victoria and Albert Museum

Art Victoria and Albert Museum

United Kingdom

The Victoria and Albert Museum (Victoria and Albert Museum; abbreviation: V&A) is the second largest national museum in the United Kingdom after the British Museum, and was founded in 1851...

Takarazuka Theater

Art Takarazuka Theater


Takarazuka Grand Theater (Takarazuka) is the home base of the Takarazuka Opera Company, which first opened in 1924, staging grand operas, dance dramas, both...

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