News Globe and Mail (Canada)
The Globe and Mail is one of Canada's most authoritative and influential newspapers. It has been dedicated to covering international and domestic affairs, and its editorials and news stories are often cited in foreign newspapers...
News New Daily News
Puerto Rico
El Nuevo Día, Puerto Rico's leading Spanish-language newspaper, was founded in 1909 and is distributed throughout Puerto Rico and in selected cities in the United States. The website for ...
News Paprika newspaper
Red Pepper Uganda's most popular small English-language newspaper, started in 2001, is known for its bold and direct coverage of scandals and sensational scandal. The site ...
News Norwegian News Agency
The Norwegian News Agency (Norsk Telegrambyra: NTB) is the only Norwegian news agency.It was established on September 1, 1867 in Oslo, Norway...
News Daily Telegraph (UK newspaper)
United Kingdom
Founded in 1855, The Daily Telegraph is the largest-selling of the four national "premium" daily newspapers in the United Kingdom. It is the mouthpiece of the Conservative Party. The layout is compact and the content is extensive...
News International Herald Tribune
The International Herald Tribune is an English-language international newspaper published in Paris, France, headquartered in Paris and wholly owned by The New York Times...