
Today's Journal

News Today's Journal

Sardova, Spain

El Diario de Hoy (Spanish: El Diario de Hoy; English: Today's Daily) Sardova's most widely circulated newspaper, founded in 1936. The website for ...

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

News Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung


The German newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau (Frankfurter Review) was the first newspaper in the U.S. Occupation Zone and the second in post-World War II Germany, founded in 1945 and based in...

The Metro.

News The Metro.

United Kingdom

Metro is a household name in the UK and is distributed free of charge in the city centers of major UK cities in public transport service areas, cafes, workplaces and other places...

The Asian Newspaper

News The Asian Newspaper


Asia Plus, a leading Tajik newspaper with the highest circulation among local socio-political publications, was founded in 1995 to provide information on the country's...

Buenos Aires Herald.

News Buenos Aires Herald.


The Buenes Aires Herald, one of Argentina's most prominent newspapers, was founded by William Cathcart...

Ukrainian National News Agency

News Ukrainian National News Agency


National News Agency of Ukraine (NNAU) is the national news agency of Ukraine, founded in 1918, with its head office located in...

Chosun Sinmun

News Chosun Sinmun


Chosun Shinbun (조선신보) is the organ newspaper of the General Association of Koreans in Japan, headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, which provides information on North Korean politics, current affairs, national conditions, culture,...

Estonian Evening News

News Estonian Evening News


The Estonian Evening News (Ohtuleht) Estonia's most famous newspaper. The website is its official website and focuses on sports, including the latest national and international news on various...

The Kuwaiti National Newspaper

News The Kuwaiti National Newspaper


Al-Watan (Kuwait), Kuwait's largest Arabic-language daily newspaper, focuses on social, political, economic and current affairs in Kuwait and abroad.

La Repubblica Italiana

News La Repubblica Italiana


La Repubblica is one of the most widely circulated national daily newspapers in Italy, after the most widely circulated Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera. La Repubblica was founded in 197...

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