Business Japan Display Company_JDI
Japan Display Inc. (JDI) is a Japanese display manufacturer founded in 2012 as a joint venture between Sony, Toshiba, and Hitachi, with headquarters...
Business Okamo(Japanese name)
(Okamoto Industries, Inc.) is a Japanese manufacturer of rubber latex products, founded in 1934 and headquartered in...
Business Central Electricity Company of Brazil
The Central Electricity Company of Brazil (Eletrobrás) Brazil's state-owned electric utility, with a federal government shareholding of 54.46%, was established by President Getúlio Vargas (Getú...
Business RusHydro
RusHydro The world's second-largest hydropower company, Russia's largest power plant, partially state-owned, ranked No. 8 on Forbes' 2014 Global Corporate 2000...
Business Dasin Insurance Consultants
United States
Marsh & McLennan Companies (MMC), the global risk management and insurance consulting experts, focuses on providing advice to corporations, public entities, associations to...
Business ECPlaza Trade Platform
South Korea
Ecplaza is the world's most prestigious business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce trade site, and KTNET (Co., Ltd.), a subsidiary of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Korea, is the parent company of Ecplaza...