Business Systra_Systra
Systra is a renowned multinational consulting engineering group founded in 1957 and headquartered in Paris, mainly engaged in urban public transportation and railroad transportation engineering related business.
Business Asprey
United Kingdom
Asprey (Asprey International Limited) is a famous British jeweler, founded in 1781, headquartered in London, for the British Royal Family brand, but also to the countries royal...
Business quick-witted
United Kingdom
Ladbrokes is a British bookmaker founded in 1886, headquartered in Harrow, and listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE: LAD), with businesses including sports...
Business Snowprint Dairy
Snow Brand Milk Products Co., Ltd. is a Japanese dairy producer founded in 1925 and headquartered in Tokyo that produces...
Business Platts
United States
Platts, a service company dedicated to energy information and consulting, regularly publishes coal price estimates and indices collected from specialized sources, and owns the Coal Outlook...
Business voestalpine Group
Voestalpine, Austria's premier industrial company, is Europe's leading steel producer, headquartered in Linz, Austria, with its steel smelting...