Business Jaguar Land Rover
United Kingdom
Jaguar Land Rover (Jaguar Land Rover Public Ltd.C, or JLR) is an automobile company of the Tata Group in India.The Jaguar brand was created in the United Kingdom in 1922, and the road number was created in 1948...
Business NASDAQ
United States
NASDAQ is the world's first electronic stock exchange and the first of the world's four major exchanges (the remaining three are the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange, the New York Stock Exchange...
Business Hera (wife of Zeus)
South Korea
Hera (HERA) is a South Korea will be the perfect combination of art and science of high-grade cosmetics brand, but also fashionable young women's favorite, belonging to the South Korean Amore Pacific Group. her...
Business Daniel Wellington
Daniel Wellington is the world's top watch brand, was founded by Mr. FilipTysander, based in Uppsa, Sweden (Uppsa...
Business Pinarello
Pinarello is a famous bicycle brand founded in 1952 and headquartered in Treviso, Italy.Pinarello mainly produces road bicycles, road cyclocross bicycles (Cyclo-cro...
Business Carlson Hotels Worldwide
United States
Carlson Hospitality Worldwide is a top global hotel group and one of the largest privately held companies in the United States. The group operates worldwide...