Website Library


Games Mojang


Mojang AB (Mojang Synergy) is a Swedish game developer founded in 2009 and headquartered in Stockholm.Mojang is best known for developing the game Mine...

University of Canterbury

Edu University of Canterbury

New Zealand

The University of Canterbury, founded in 1873, has 20,000 students and is best known for its engineering program. It is located in Christchurch, the capital of New Zealand's Canterbury province, and was originally situated in the center of Christchurch...

State Street Bank

Bank State Street Bank

United States

State Street, the world's leading custodian bank and asset manager, is a wholly owned subsidiary of State Street Corporation, founded in 1792 and headquartered in Boston. In China, ...


United States (Thesixtyone) is a famous original music community in the United States, created in 2008, the name originates from and American music culture closely linked to Highway 61 (known as: Blues Highway)...

Maemaebangan (Japanese restaurant)

Shopping Maemaebangan (Japanese restaurant)


Izumikan is the most famous delivery ordering website in Japan, mainly providing delivery service for more than 10,800 stores in Japan, delivering products including Japanese bento, Japanese food delivery, various beverages ...

Australian Life Scientists Network

Science Australian Life Scientists Network


Australian Life Scientist (ALS) is a platform dedicated to providing information services and communication for life science practitioners, including the latest biological information...

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