Science Roche Applied Science
United States
Roche Applied Science is one of the five business units of Roche, the world's leading healthcare company, and a leading reagent and system...
United States (formerly is a physics research portal, launched in 2004, which publishes the latest physics research news, covering topics including geoscience, nano...
Science Center for Computational Biology
The Research Center for Computational Biology was reorganized in April 2007 as a Japanese website primarily engaged in the research and development of technologies for basic components of bioinformatics. The Computational Biology Research Center focuses...
Science Nobel prize
The Nobelpriset is a world-famous prize, a prize established under the will of Swedish chemist Nobel, using his fortune gained through the invention of dynamite to establish a base...
Science Royal Society of Chemistry
United Kingdom
Official website of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) is Europe's largest organization for the advancement of the chemical sciences, with members from all over the world, and whose activities include teaching...
Science Discoveries
United States
Discover is a highly distinctive American science magazine that was launched in 1980 by Time Magazine, later under the umbrella of the Kambak Publishing Group. Each April, the...