State Bank of Vietnam
- Country: Viet Nam
- Type: Bank
- 网址;jsessionid=2RKxTnGbz1nPKvRNSGQZQTFp6dRkQ0nhfxvGLry1WD5pvdpnh1Q6!271519564!1664050665?_afrLoop=337806039848500&_afrWindowMode=0&_afrWindowId=null#%40%3F_afrWindowId%3Dnull%26_afrLoop%3D33780603984850
- Update: 05-01
The State Bank of Vietnam (The State Bank of Vietnam) is the central bank of Vietnam and is subordinate to the Vietnamese government. This website is its official website, which provides specific information about the bank as well as monetary policy, Vietnam's financial market, and payment system.