Ovette Group
  • Ovette Group

  • Country: Germany
  • Type: Commercial
  • Website: www.arvato.com/en.html
  • Update: 05-02

Arvato AG, the world's leading international media services company, is part of the media services giant Bertelsmann, founded in 1824 and headquartered in Guetersloh, Germany, with four core businesses - Arvato Services, Arvato Print, Arvato Storage Media and Arvato Systems. -Arvato Services, Arvato Print, Arvato Storage Media and Arvato Systems. Arvato's main clients include: Microsoft, Volkswagen, Lufthansa, HP, Nokia, Siemens, Nestle, McDonald's, Philips, Ubsoft, Allianz, Air China, United, AIA, EMC, Eisai, Trend Micro, Toshiba, IBM, L'Oreal, etc.
