International Mountain Guides Association_IFMGA
  • International Mountain Guides Association_IFMGA

  • Country: Switzerland
  • Type: Organization
  • Website:
  • Update: 05-02

The International Federation of Mountain Guide Associations (French: Union Internationale des Associations de Guides de Montagnes, abbreviated UIAGM; English: International Federation of Mountain Guide Associations, abbreviated IFMGA; German: Internationale Vereinigung der Bergführerverbande, abbreviated IVBV) is the world's leading mountaineering organization. (French: Union Internationale des Associations de Guides de Montagnes, abbreviated as UIAGM; English: International Federation of Mountain Guide Associations, abbreviated as IFMGA; German: Internationale Vereinigung der Bergführerverbande, abbreviated as IVBV) is the world's authoritative mountaineering organization, founded in 1965, and has a strict entry criterion, which requires that the mountain guide association of a country or a region have a minimum of 20 alpine guides that meets the requirements of this organization before they are eligible to join it. It requires a national or regional mountain guide association to have at least 20 mountain guides who meet its requirements in order to be eligible to join the organization, which is why it has very few member countries (only Japan and Nepal in Asia at the moment) and a high degree of professionalism.
