Yuki Furukawa (1907-1988), Japanese novelist and screenwriter
  • Yuki Furukawa (1907-1988), Japanese novelist and screenwriter

  • Country: Japan
  • Genre: Celebrity
  • Website: www.horipro.co.jp/furukawayuki/
  • Update: 05-02

Yutaka Furukawa, a famous Japanese actor, became famous for starring with Mirai Hotaka in "One Kiss ~ LoveinTOKYO", was born in 1987 in Tokyo; at the age of 7, he and his family moved to Toronto, Canada; at the age of 16, he traveled to the U.S. to enroll in the New York Academy of Keio, and at the age of 19, he returned to Japan to enroll in the Faculty of Science and Engineering of Keio University.
