Org Toastmasters International
United States
Toastmasters International (TI) is an international non-profit educational organization founded in 1924 and headquartered in California, United States, that raises...
Org Royal Institute of British Architects
United Kingdom
The Royal Institute of British Architects (abbreviated RIBA) is a professional association of architects in the United Kingdom, founded in 1834, with about...
Org International Sociological Association
The International Sociological Association (International Sociological Association; abbreviated ISA) is a non-profit organization founded in 1949 and headquartered in Ma...
Org Socialist International
United Kingdom
Socialist International (abbreviated SI) is an international organization of political parties, consisting of national pan-democratic socialist parties, with over 160 member parties and groups...
Org International Customs Organization
The International Customs Organization (World Customs Organization; abbreviation: WCO; also known as: World Customs Organization) is the global customs organization and the worldwide, for the harmonization of tariffs...
Org Singapore Association of Chinese Medicine Practitioners
Singapore Chinese Physicains' Association (SCPA), Singapore's most authoritative academic organization for Chinese medicine, was established in 1946 to promote...