Org Just Russia Party
The Just Russia Party (Справедливая Россия), founded in 2006, is a social-democratic political party in Russia with a left-of-center political stance and a member of the Socialist International.
Org Economic Community of Central African States
The Economic Community of Central African States (Communauté Economique des Etats d'Afrique Centrale; abbreviated CEEAC) is a regional African...
Org Judicial Committee of the Privy Council
United Kingdom
The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council (JCPC) is a judicial body in the United Kingdom and is one of the final courts of appeal in the United Kingdom, as well as some Commonwealth...
Org International Association of Architects
The International Association of Architects (French: Union International des Architectes, English: International Union of Architects; abbreviated UIA) is a...
Org World Frisbee Federation
United States
The World Flying Disc Federation (abbreviated WFDF; World Flying Disc Federation; World Flying Disc Sports Federation) is an international sports organization...
Org French Cultural Institute
The Alliance française is a French non-profit organization founded in 1883, headquartered in Paris, and present in over 130 countries and...