Org Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union (AIPU)
The Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union (AIPU) was established on June 21, 1974, with its headquarters in Damascus, the capital of Syria, and its main responsibilities are: to strengthen the Arab region's parliamentary...
Org International Dance Council
The International Dance Council (English: International Dance Council; French: Conseil International de la Danse; abbreviated CID) is an international non-...
Org International Organization for Migration (IOM)
The International Organization for Migration (International Organization for Migration; abbreviation: IOM) is a non-political international organization for migration that originated on December 5, 1951 in...
Org Afghan Women with a Mission
Afghan Women's Mission is a women's advocacy organization in Afghanistan, and a member of Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs (...
Org British Commonwealth of Nations
United Kingdom
The Commonwealth of Nations (Commonwealth) is an international organization, headquartered in London, England, consisting of more than 50 countries, most of whose members are former British colonies or protectorate...
Org International Bowling Federation
United States
The Federation Internationale des Quilleurs (Fédération Internationale des Quilleurs, FIQ) is an international organization dedicated to the development of the sport of bowling, with the responsibility...