Bank National Bank of Romania
The National Bank of Romania (Banca Naţională a României) is a central bank under the direct authority of the Romanian Ministry of Finance, established in 1880 in the capital city of Budapest...
Bank National Bank of Serbia
The National Bank of Serbia (NBS) is the central bank of Serbia, established in 1884 and headquartered in Belgrade, and is primarily responsible for setting monetary policy...
Bank Bank of Italy
The Bank of Italy (Banca d'Italia) is the central bank of Italy and a member of the European System of Central Banks, established in 1893.On November 1, 2011, the Italian...
Bank May 3 Bank
United States
Fifth Third Bank (Fifth Third Bank) is a diversified U.S. financial holding company that originated in 1858 as the Bank of Ohio Valley (Bank of t...
Bank National Bank of Poland
The National Bank of Poland, the central bank of Poland, was created in 1945 to maintain the stability of the country's currency and financial markets, with headquarters in Warsaw,...
Bank Investment Bank of Milan
Milan Investment Bank (Mediobanca) is a leading Italian investment bank, founded in 1946, specializing in investment, retail and private business, and investment management, in Frankfurt, Germany...