

Movies Lucasfilm

United States

Lucasfilm is a film company founded in 1971 by George Lucas and headquartered in San Francisco, California, U.S. In 2012, it was acquired by Disney Public...

Japanese TV

Movies Japanese TV


Nippon Television (日本テレビ放送網株式会社, Nippon Television Network Corporation) was the first commercial television station in Japan, commonly known as Nippon Television,...

AXN Czech Television

Movies AXN Czech Television

Czech Republic

AXN TV is a famous Czech movie channel that offers TV programs, movies and their previews throughout the Czech Republic. The website is the official website of AXN TV in Czech...

Weta Digital

Movies Weta Digital

New Zealand

Weta Digital is a world-renowned film and television special effects company founded in 1993 by director Peter Jackson and headquartered in Wellington, New Zealand. Weta...

Movie pay-per-view rental platform

Movies Movie pay-per-view rental platform

United States

ThewatchBox is an American video pay-per-view rental website that pays a price specified by the video publisher, with a minimum pricing of $1.99, and was created by Je...

Bucheon International Fantasy Film Festival

Movies Bucheon International Fantasy Film Festival

South Korea

The Puchon Internatioal Fantastic Film Festival (富川國際幻想电影节), a famous film festival in South Korea, is a non-competitive system that uses partially competitive...

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