Videos Avatar Official Website
United States
Avatar is a sci-fi blockbuster from acclaimed director James Cameron that was 14 years in the making, costing $300 million, plus four years of meticulous filmmaking. Avatar...
Videos Listening to multimedia communication platforms
United States
Listening multimedia exchange platform (Hark) is a well-known multimedia sharing and exchange platform in the United States, mainly to create, share and listen. At the same time, Hark also collects very...
Videos MuBi-Online Movie Database
United States
MuBi is an online movie and television database in the United States. Every day a new movie of the day is introduced, and every day one is taken away. In total, there are 30 hand-picked movies to watch or...
Videos Official Hollywood Website
United States
Hollywood ( is a famous American entertainment website that offers online movies, movie showtimes, movie trailers, entertainment news, celebrity photos, box office, celebrity interviews...
United States
Rotten Tomatoes ( is a world-renowned movie review integration website, created in 1998 and based in Bresbian, United States, from the world's newest movie release...
Videos Feature-length pay-per-view movie platform
United Kingdom
The feature-length pay-per-view platform (Distrify) mainly offers paid viewing of feature-length movies (ad-free versions), in addition to incentivizing users to share videos for a fee, i.e., if the publisher shares a video...