Avatar Official Website
  • Avatar Official Website

  • Country: United States
  • Type: Video
  • Website: www.avatarmovie.com
  • Update: 05-02

Avatar is a sci-fi blockbuster directed by renowned filmmaker James Cameron, made after 14 years of gestation, $300 million, and four more years of meticulous filmmaking. The production team of Avatar is considered as the gold-medal combination in the history of movies, including Academy Award-winning producer Jon Landau, and gold-medal-winning music master James Horne, etc. The story of Avatar is about the future of the world, the world of the future, the world of the world, and the world of the world. Avatar story recounts that in the future world, human beings in order to obtain the resources of the planet Pandora, launched the Avatar program, and to human and Naomi DNA hybrids, training nearly 3 meters tall "Avatar", in order to facilitate the survival of the planet Pandora and mining minerals. Jack, an ex-navyman, is ordered to set out on this journey, but it is ultimately a journey of discovery and redemption.
