
Me in 20 years.

Website Me in 20 years.

United States

in20years (me in 20 years) is a photo fun site where users can upload their own photos and choose to see what they will look like in 20 or 30 years.

Pet Roaming

Website Pet Roaming


Pet Travel is a Canadian pet-friendly inn that was co-founded in 1986 by Jerry Hatfield and his best friend Ruggles. The...

Transforming the World

Website Transforming the World


ConvertWorld is a very useful free online unit conversion tool for Sweden. The tool not only covers a full range of formulas, but also easy to operate the program, the user registration...

Frog World

Website Frog World

United States

Frogland is a hobby website about frogs and toads, created in 1995 to provide relevant information about frogs and toads, including frog species, pet green...

Click the mouse to remove the text

Website Click the mouse to remove the text


Are you bored? Are you bored? Do you like to click the mouse? Come and play this game. The whole game is about you clicking on the characters "Click To Remove..."...

Eel Slap

Website Eel Slap

United States

Ever wanted to slap someone with an eel? Well, today is your lucky day. There's this fearless foreign dude who recorded a video of being slapped by an eel and then made a...

How big is my potato?

Website How big is my potato?

United States

This website does exactly what its name says, it has one function, to measure the size of your potatoes. The site has a ruler, and a picture of a potato that you can drag and drop to deform...


United States is an age-testing website launched by Microsoft in 2015, where users simply upload a photo of themselves or someone else to the site and the system quickly analyzes the person in the photo for...

Swedish Kennel Club

Website Swedish Kennel Club


The official website of the Swedish Kennel Club is a customized site for dog lovers. Here both hunters and dog breeders can get a lot of useful information and help...

Bride's bouquet turned into a cat

Website Bride's bouquet turned into a cat

United States

Western-style weddings have the ceremony of the bride throwing bouquets, but what would be the effect of turning those bouquets into cats? Foreigners have made a website like this, photoshopping the bride's bouquet into a gesture...

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