Website Library
Org Italian Classification Society_RINA
The Italian Classification Society (Registro Italiano Navale; abbreviated as RINA) is a founding member of the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS), founded in 1861, and is the earliest classified society in the world to be established...
Business LOEN Entertainment
South Korea
LOEN Entertainment (로엔엔터테인먼먼트; LOEN Entertainment) is a South Korean record production and distribution company founded in 1978 and headquartered in Seoul, with its main business including...
Gov Ministry of National Development, Singapore
The Ministry of National Development (MND) is a Singaporean government department responsible for planning and directing land use, infrastructure development related...
Edu Chiba Institute of Technology
Chiba Institute of Technology is a Japanese private university founded in 1942, located in Shishino City, Chiba Prefecture, and is one of the earliest...
Edu University of Paris II
The University of Paris II (French: Université Panthéon-Assas; University of the Pantheon - Assas) is a French public university founded in 1970,...
Sports World Curling Federation
United Kingdom
The World Curling Federation (abbreviated WCF) is an international sports organization founded in 1965 and headquartered in Perth, United Kingdom, and comprised of the world's...