Star Florentine Hoffmann
Florentijn Hofman was a famous Dutch artist, a premier design guru and the father of the Big Yellow Duck, who worked primarily in the public air...
Star Kim Soo Hyun
South Korea
Kim Soo Hyun (Korean: 김수현; English: Kim Soo Hyun; Japanese: キム・スヒョン) is one of South Korea's hottest actors of the moment, born on February 16, 1988 in Seoul;...
Star Bill Gates
United States
William Henry Gates; shortened to: Bill Gates/ Bill Gates, Gates/ Gates) is one of the world's premier tech sky...
Star Natalie Portman (1981-), American actress
United States
Natalie Portman (Hebrew: נטלי פורטמן) is a famous Israeli-American actress, was born on June 9, 1981, and graduated from Ha...
Star Jessica Alba, American actress
United States
Jessica Marie Alba is an American actress born on April 28, 1981 in California; in 1993, starred in her screen debut...
Star Kesha Personal
United States
Kesha (original name: Kesha Rose Sebert; Chinese name: 卡莎), also known as "Money Woman" and "Money Girl", is a famous American singer-songwriter and pop star...