Science National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
The National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (abbreviated NAOJ) is a Japanese astronomical research organization founded in 1988 and headquartered...
Science Journal of Plant Protection Research
The Journal of Plant Protection Research (JPPR) well-known journal of plant science, published by the Plant Protection Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, mainly refers...
Science Heavens Above
United States
Heavens Above is a premier site for astronomy enthusiasts and is made up of three main categories: observing site information, artificial satellites and iridium flashes, and recent celestial hotspots, with a focus on artificial...
Science Vienna Observatory
The Vienna Observatory (German: Universitäts-Sternwarte Wien; University of Vienna Observatory) is an astronomical observatory in Austria, the construction of which began in 1756 on the site of the former...
Science Galaxy Zoo
United Kingdom
Galaxy Zoo (Galaxy Zoo) is a volunteer science program conducted by research institutions such as the University of Oxford, the University of Portsmouth, and Johns Hopkins University, inviting the public to assist, with the goal of...